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Can the automatic screw feeder be used universally?
Time:2020-06-08  Traffic:

The automatic screw feeder adopts the method of turbine feeding to sort the screws onto the vibrating guide rail and send them to the screw distribution system. The screws are distributed through the distribution system and sent to the lock mouth through the tracheal pressure. The handheld screw machine will be powered by an electric or pneumatic screwdriver. The screw locks into the product. The automatic machine is driven by the cylinder to complete the locking action. The automatic screw feeder is customized according to the customer's screw. When the diameter of the nut and the screw are the same (or the difference is small), the length is generally universal. If the difference is large, it is not compatible, because the internal structure of the automatic screw feeder is customized according to the previous screw specifications. No secondary changes are possible.

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