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New development of automation equipment-multi-axis automatic locking screw machine
Time:2020-06-08  Traffic:

The so-called multi-axis automatic screw-locking machine means that there are multiple automatic screw-locking machines that lock the electric screwdriver at the same time, which can greatly improve the work efficiency.

With the continuous shortage of human resources, many companies are saying that it is really difficult to recruit people. The company's recruitment information has not been asked for a long time since it was sent, especially in the production and processing industry, so it is especially necessary to use automated equipment to help them. Each enterprise solves the fundamental problem of shortage of human resources and realizes mechanized management to improve work efficiency. This requires the help of our automatic screw-locking machine, which can better save human resources and greatly improve production efficiency. Especially the multi-axis automatic screw-locking machine, which is very practical now, can lock multiple screws at the same time. One device can save multiple employees, and even cooperate with the assembly line to achieve fully automated operation, which is more in line with customer needs.

The multi-axis automatic lock screw machine has the following advantages:

1. High efficiency: several electric batches work at the same time, can replace multiple workers, the number of electric batches can be customized according to customer requirements;

2. High degree of automation: the operation is simple, and the employees quickly grasp the operation and debugging. One worker can manage several machines at the same time, saving labor;

3. Strong versatility: small size, can be matched with production line operation, easy to replace products;

4. Accurate torque: easy to adjust and ensure the locking quality;

5. Easy to operate: save time and effort to take the screw and align the screw hole, just keep placing the product;

6. High standard: the lock and pay process is completely completed by the equipment according to the procedure, to avoid the adverse effects caused by manual misoperation;

7. Good image: Intelligent automation equipment makes the enterprise's production scene new and establishes the enterprise's high-tech image.

8. Reliability: Configure slip tooth, floating lock, leak lock detection function and automatic alarm, can work more than 20 hours a day.

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