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The use and working principle of automatic hand-held screw machine
Time:2020-06-08  Traffic:

One of the main advantages of the hand-held automatic lock screw machine is that it is easy to operate and can lock and pay for many different types of products, while the multi-axis lock screw machine is only suitable for mass production of one product.

Since the hand-held automatic locking screw machine has so many advantages, for example, some products that are larger and can have a longer screw hole distance, we can only use the hand-held, which shows that the scope of application of the hand-held screw machine is very Extensive.

Some customers mistakenly believe that a hand-held screw machine can be applied to all products, and what we usually refer to is the commonality between the products of the same type (or similar model) of screws, rather than All products, because of the different products, the screw models we use also have large differences. If all of your products use the same type of screws, then a handheld screw machine can be used universally. The difference between the screws used in the products is very large, so we need to customize it.

The hand-held automatic locking screw machine belongs to a non-standard automatic equipment, which can complete the automatic feeding and locking work without failure, and many internal structures are designed according to the actual situation of the screw. For example, its feeding mechanism, feeding mechanism, nail feeding tube, etc. are all tailor-made for the screws, so as to ensure the efficient and trouble-free operation and normal work of the screw machine.

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