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Automatic lock screw machine
Time:2020-06-08  Traffic:

Jianmin automatic lock screw machine reduces workers' workforce: assembling products with manipulators can save labor, if used with conveyor belts at the same time, an operator can easily operate more stations. Moreover, it solves the problem of the operator's particularly fatigued operation, and eliminates a series of problems such as hidden safety hazards and product degradation caused by fatigue.

Improve efficiency: The robot can work for a long time without taking a special rest.

Stable output: The use of manipulators can fix the production time of each station, stabilize the output, facilitate the production arrangement, and increase the yield of the product.

Improve quality: Too long time will definitely affect the production efficiency and affect the shipping rate. Delaying customer delivery, such as stable assembly with a robot can reduce product defect rate.

Reduce the risk of industrial injury: If the robot encounters an abnormality, it will automatically alarm and stop, and prompt the problem.

Get rid of the inertia of manual operation: No matter the day shift or night shift operation workers work for a long time will produce a sense of inertia and fatigue, and workers will be absent due to work emotions, holidays, physical conditions and other conditions, especially around the Spring Festival There is a shortage, and the use of manipulators can get rid of the inertia and fatigue of manual operations. There is no need to worry about the absence of workers and interfere with the normal production of the factory, nor will it affect the production because of the brain drain.

To this end, Jian Min improves the competitiveness of users: the use of manipulators enhances the corporate image, the quality is guaranteed, and the output can be calculated more accurately. The manipulator is a kind of production manipulator equipment, which is a tangible fixed asset investment, which can better improve the automation level of the factory and invisibly improve the competitive advantage of the enterprise.

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